Shalom House of Prayer, Carcoar has some great weekend retreats coming up in June and July. For more information and bookings go to their website.

Shalom House of Prayer, Carcoar has some great weekend retreats coming up in June and July. For more information and bookings go to their website.
Bishop Michael McKenna recently hosted a visit of members of the Executive Committee of the NSW Ecumenical Council. Reverend Myung Hwa Park, President and Reverend Fr Dr Shenouda Mansour, General Secretary met with the Bishop at Matthew Quinn House. Mrs Anna Clayton (Chair of our Diocesan Fratelli Tutti group, charged with working with other traditions, Christian unity and relations with the Jewish People) and Deacon Josh Clayton, (Director of Mission and Renewal in the Diocese) also attended.
Over a shared meal and times of prayer, those gathered shared their hopes and dreams for the future, and especially the desire for future gatherings and opportunities to work together to build the Kingdom of God.
A common theme was the wonderful teaching of many in this sphere, especially works such as Ut Unum Sint, and the impetus St John Paul II gave, in the first chapter of his letter, to all working in the field of Church Unity; Christ calls all his disciples to unity.
Unity of the Churches happens daily in our communities, whether it is in the combined work to bring Scripture to state schools, shared training in the Safe Church Awareness Program or friendships across churches and religious leaders in communities, meeting and debriefing.
It happens in many ways, we just need to continue to let this grow. We are the agents of Unity across all our churches and this is a source of great hope.
Rev Myung Hwa Park, Bishop Michael McKenna, Mrs Anna Clayton and Father Shenounda Mansour
Perthville Public School celebrated an Easter Assembly this morning as the sun shone and beamed into the assembly area. Present were SRE teachers, school teachers, parents and grandparents. Each class presented an item including songs with actions, role play and readings depicting aspects of Holy Week. The guest speaker for the morning was Fr Diep who concluded his talk with a blessing. Miss Beverley, Perthville SRE Coordinator thanked the Principal and school staff for their continued support of SRE in their school. A very special and beautiful Assembly was experienced by all who were present.
‘We are many; We are one’ is St John’s Baradine school theme for 2023. On our first day back to school, Monday, 6 February students joined together for a prayer liturgy. Each class received a candle and a banner which they took to their respective classrooms. The theme will be incorporated into the daily school prayer and a constant reminder that we are one school community and one with the family of God. It was a lovely way to start our year.
Margaret McKinnon
St John’s Catholic Primary School
A message from Mr Chris Stevens Beautiful Gardens’ Lunch Club Coordinator, Wellington
We are very proud to announce that St Mary’s has won an award in the Rotary Town Garden Competition. We were nominated for and won the “Best School Garden Created and Cared for (wholly or partly) by Children”. The garden beds around the staff car park, hall and canteen began from bare earth (and weeds) in 2019. Throughout 2022 each Wednesday students came to weed, plant, water, remove rubbish, dig, mulch and more. All the plants came from family donations, cuttings and gifts, as well as plenty of tools to help us on our way.
We moved onto other gardens in the school, but continue to weed and remove rubbish from these beds. Today, we have a beautiful garden to enjoy from the fruits of their labour. Thanks to our groundsman, Jonno Walters for alerting us about the competition and encouraging us to enter. And a big thank you to the many, many students who have got their hands dirty over the past few years. Congratulations on your award.
You can see our journey with many photos at this website link
Holy Family Catholic Primary School student School Captains welcome Fr Diep
Fr Diep recently visited Holy Family School Kelso to meet and chat with staff and the School Captains. Fr Diep will soon be joining the school community to celebrate a whole school Mass and his introduction to the school has been welcomed.
“Fr Diep’s visit and the celebration of the forthcoming School Mass, are valued connections between the school and our Cathedral Parish. Fr Diep really enjoyed chatting with staff and students and we all learnt about his home country of Vietnam as well. We look forward to an ongoing connection with Fr Diep,’ said school Principal, Kevin Arrow.
Recently the Year 5 and 6 students at Cathedral school attended the Far Out! Treasures to the Bush presentation by the State Library of NSW. The students learnt about migration to Australia through the lives of four historical figures and the amazing artifacts linked to each person. History was brought to life by the talented presenters as we dressed up in costumes, pretended to be passengers in first class, second class and steerage, sent messages with flags, traveled to the goldfields and saw Ludwig Leichardt discover the Leichhardt grasshopper. It was incredible to view the real artifacts we had been learning about – ex convict Mary Reibey’s land grant from Governor Macquarie, Arthur Wilcox Manning’s Journal about his voyage on the Earl Grey from Plymouth to Sydney, explorer Ludwig Leichardt’s telescope and a miner’s right belonging to George Johnston. Many thanks to the State Library of NSW for bringing this fantastic experience to our region.
Merryn Sadler Teacher-Librarian
Students could wear yellow to school today along with grining a gold coin donation to support RU OK Day. “Asking if you are okay can make a big difference. We’re all in this together” is the message being taught in our classroom at St John’s Catholic Primary School.
SJP recently explored the very foundations of our school and the charisms left by the Mercy Sisters and the De La Salle Brothers through an immersive journey back in time. These orders were founded by Catherine McAuley and St John Baptist De La Salle, respectively, many years ago, so it was nice to revisit the very beginnings of how these orders were established and what the Catholic schools in Dubbo used to look like prior to 1969, the year St John’s Primary School began.
Through Liturgy, prayer, classroom craft, ‘old-school’ playground games and the kind support of former De La Salle and Mercy student alumni who spoke to each of our grades about their experiences and memories of their Catholic schooling in Dubbo, our staff and students learnt a lot! A huge thank you to John Taylor, Doug Butcherine, Pauline Walkom and Kerry Ryan for taking the time to teach our students about their experiences of school many years ago.
Mackillop’s got talent raises funds for St Vincent de Paul
A dancing robot, singing teachers, cow jokes and a Beatles medley were just some of the talents that Mackillop showcased on Friday, August 26.
Members of the Year 11 leadership committee at Mackillop College organised and hosted their first major event; Mackillop’s got talent, in order to raise money for St Vincent de Paul.
The fundraiser included a bake sale, a mufti day, and the Mackillop’s got talent event, which encouraged students to step out of their comfort zones and perform various acts in front of the school.
It was the first time this event was able to take place since 2019, before the height of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Mackillop College’s assistant principal Mrs Whelan was extremely proud of her students, their talents and their capacity to organise such a successful event, and was very happy with the results on the day.
“Our year 11 council has done a great job,” Mrs Whelan said.
“I think it went great. It’s wonderful for the girls to be able to stand on the stage and perform in front of their peers and the support they receive is always wonderful at Mackillop.”
article courtesy of the Western Advocate
Congratulations to all students at St John’s Catholic Primary School, Baradine who recently received the sacrament of confirmation. 6pm Saturday night Mass was celebrated by Bishop Michael McKenna. Fr Francis Muhenda con-celebrated Mass with the Bishop. Mass was followed by a parish party to acknowledge and celebrate the students involved.
Our Year 6 students hit the ground running on their recent excursion to Canberra. On Day 1 they had a taste of culture at the National Gallery and then got to experience some of the facilities at the Australian Institute of Sport. Highlights on Day 2 included a tour of Parliament House and getting to meet our Federal Member of Parliament, Mark Coulton. Later, the children met the Governor-General, David Hurley, and got to look inside Government House. Evie got to sit in Mrs Hurley’s chair at the dining table!
Congratulations to those students who represented our school at the Eastern Region Athletics Carnival on Wednesday in Bathurst. All students tried their absolute best and showed wonderful sportsmanship. Thank you to all parents and carers who transported and supported our students and to the teachers who also came and assisted on the day.