As spring is a time of renewal and growth, we hope that this summer’s anticipated sunshine will shed light and focus on the season of Advent and Christmas in a way that is energising and inspiring for all of us.
Connect@home is a diocesan resource of daily reading, resources and Mass online to assist parishioners with worship at home. One element of Connect@home is a daily email which invites individuals to enter into the beauty and power of the Scriptures. It offers a chance to be nourished and formed by the Word of God, especially at a time when gathering as a community for Mass has not been as accessible or as regular as in previous years. Connect@home has been one way our congregation has kept up a strong connection.
The Church teaches that Christ is truly present in the Eucharist, in a community of two or more gathered in his name and when the Scriptures are read or proclaimed.
Each morning, you will receive an email with a link to the daily readings set by the Church and a short reflection and prayer. You could do this sacred reading on your own, or with members of your household.
This is a chance for us as a local church to connect with one another and with Jesus Christ, the Word made flesh, who is with us in all we are going through.
If you like podcasts then Connection: Faith & Life, a Podcast of the Catholic Diocese of Bathurst could very well be your next favourite. Life can be hard, especially during these past weeks and months of lockdown and now living with the COVID pandemic. Each week there is an episode of the podcast to offer mutual support, necessary at all times, and to promote growth in faith and holiness. Plus we are always looking for ideas for discussion as well as people to interview.
Deacon Josh

A Podcast of the Catholic Diocese of Bathurst. Life can be hard, especially during this time of pandemic. We have made this podcast to offer mutual support, necessary at all times, and to promote growth in faith and holiness. Contact us at
Cover Art by Emily Bennett