A Diocesan Bible has been developed for students throughout the diocese and especially for Catholic Education, Diocese of Bathurst.
The Bible will be presented to all Year 5 students, in preparation for their Confirmation, which may be in Year 5 or Year 6. This Bible uses contemporary English, suitable for young people, with a custom design featuring Bishop Michael McKenna’s crest and the CEDB logo and containing an introduction by the Bishop and the Executive Director of Schools as well as a space for further learning with links and resources.
We hope the presentation of these Bibles to our young people will deepen each student’s relationship with God and further enrich their journey in faith and in Catholic Education.
Source: CEDB
The official Ordo for Australia and New Zealand is a reference for liturgy planning. The Ordo includes reading references with taglines, psalm reference and psalm response, along with the Gospel acclamation for each day. The special days of commemoration are also included in the body of the text.
General Introduction to the Lectionary (Second Edition)
General Introduction to the Lectionary (Second Edition)
Sacred Congregation for the Sacraments and Divine Worship
Tables 1 & 2
21 January, 1981
Chapter I: General Principles for the Liturgical Celebration
1. Certain Preliminaries
2. Liturgical Celebration of the Word of God
3. The Word of God in the Life of the People of the Covenant
First Part: The Word of God in the Celebration of Mass
Chapter II: The Celebration of the Liturgy of the Word at Mass
1. The Elements of the Liturgy of the Word and Their Rites
2. Aids to the Proper Celebration of the Liturgy of the Word
Chapter III: Offices and Ministries in the Celebration of the Liturgy of the Word within Mass
1. The Function of the President at the Liturgy of the Word
2. The Role of the Faithful in the Liturgy of the Word
3. Ministries in the Liturgy of the Word
Second Part: The Structure of the Order of Readings for Mass
Chapter IV: The General Arrangement of Readings for Mass
1. The Pastoral Purpose of the Order of Readings for Mass
2. The Principles of Composition of the Order of Readings for Mass
3. Principles to Be Followed in the Use of the Order of Reading
Chapter V: Description of the Order of Readings
1. Advent
2. The Christmas Season
3. Lent
4. The Sacred Triduum and the Easter Season
5. “Ordinary Time”
Chapter VI: Adaptations, Translations and Format of the Order of Readings
1. Adaptations and Translations
2. The Format of Individual Readings
To read this document go to their website.
The General Instruction on the Roman Missal is available here
In September 2019, Pope Francis instituted the celebration of Word of God Sunday when issuing the apostolic letter Aperuit Illis. The letter encouraged the celebration, study and dissemination of the Word of God. Resources for the yearly Word of God Sunday can be found at the Australian Catholic Bishops’ website.