Good Shepherd Sunday will be celebrated on 30 April this year. It’s an opportunity to thank God for our priests, who lead the mission of our local church in the parishes. Their ministry is unique and indispensable. On Good Shepherd Sunday, we look to those who will serve our Diocese as priests in the future: our five seminarians. Some are nearing the end of the long journey of formation and discernment; others are just beginning. We must never give up on our earnest prayer that more young men will hear and answer God’s call to leave everything and follow him. Every year, we have a special collection to cover the cost of the investment in our seminarians’ training. This year, the annual bill will be more than $250,000. We ask for ongoing support with your prayers, your participation in the work of our church and your financial contributions.

Seminarians Dai Van Pham and Kieu Van Le with Fr Diep Nguyen