During the month of October and September, opportunities have occurred across the Diocese following on from Vocations Awareness week 2022 that reflect on Vocations, through a simple gathering and a meal. Vocations dinners were organised in three locations, Dubbo, Orange and Bathurst and were a chance to gather, pray, share a meal and discuss the importance of being aware and responding to God’s call in our life.
The Bathurst Dinner had a wide variety of guests, which allowed a wonderful sharing of stories of faith and hearing God’s call. Attendees were reminded to take time reading the scriptures, to pray, to be part of the worshipping community and to seek the wisdom of wise people in their community when discerning their vocation, but also when living it, all were reminded that there are challenges in life, it isn’t always perfect!
It is hoped that these dinners will become a regular event in our Diocese, so keep an eye out for them and maybe even alert others to them, it’s a chance to go deeper into the call each of us has, the call to discipleship; following Jesus.
Deacon Josh Clayton