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What are your strengths and talents? We have a ministry for you!

I am organised; I like to be behind the scenes and am available around Mass times

Have you considered…

being a sacristan?

I'm friendly and outgoing, and I want to speak to people

Have you considered…

being a welcomer?

I love to read the Bible and I'm comfortable with public speaking

Have you considered…

being a reader?

I have a basic knowledge of computers

Have you considered…
being on the tech team?

I love to sing and can hold a tune

Have you considered…

sacred music?

I love the feeling of a clean space; I like to be behind the scenes and am available on weekdays

Have you considered…

being a cleaner?

I want to help the priest during Mass

Have you considered…
being an altar server?

I want to share the Body of Christ with the members of our congregation

Have you considered being a Communion minister?

I want to share the Body of Christ with someone who can't attend Mass

Have you considered being a Communion minister of the sick?

I can play a musical instrument

Have you considered…

sacred music?

I am comfortable using an iPad and want to help the musicians

Have you considered…
being on the tech team?

I love sharing cuppas with others

Have you considered…
the hospitality team?

I want to journey with someone as they become Catholic

Have you considered…
being a Becoming Catholic mentor?

I love taking photos

Have you considered…
being on the tech team?

I want to help non-church-goers discover Christ



I want to help children encounter Christ at school

Have you considered…
being an SRE teacher or assistant?

I want to help children encounter Christ at Mass

Have you considered…

children’s ministry?

I enjoy spending time one-on-one with the elderly

Have you considered…
nursing home ministry?

I want to help out at large youth events

Have you considered…

Rise Youth Ministry?

I love bringing people to Church events

Have you considered…

Blessings Leadership Team?

I want to connect with other men in the parish

Have you considered…

men’s ministry?

I enjoy spending time one-on-one with the elderly

Have you considered…
nursing home ministry?

I want to help out at large youth events

Have you considered…

Rise Youth Ministry?

I'd like to do something, but I really don't know where to start

Contact Amy Sullivan to discuss your strengths and talents


Sacristans prepare the sacred vessels, linens, books and vestments needed for the liturgy. 

What do you need to be a sacristan?

  • Organised and happy to work behind the scenes before and after Mass
  • Adaptable
  • Fully initiated Catholic active in the life of the parish
  • Good-hearted, a forgiven sinner on the way to being a saint
  • Willing to undertake specific initial and ongoing training
  • Willing to collaborate with parish leadership and other ministers
  • Motivated by a desire to serve


Three hours per month (weekend) OR two hours per week/fortnight (weekdays)

Why be a sacristan?

Preparation is the key to a prayerful celebration. Just as a meal is not possible without someone to prepare it, liturgical celebrations are not possible without people working quietly behind the scenes to ensure everything is in place. Sacristans prepare the entire community to express our thanks, to offer our sacrifice, to affirm our unity, and to be sent into the world as the Body of Christ.

Get involved Information for sacristans Back to Strengths and Talents


Welcomers greet all people attending Mass.

What do you need to be a welcomer?

  • Friendly, outgoing and willing to help others
  • Active in the life of the parish
  • Good-hearted, a forgiven sinner on the way to being a saint
  • Willing to undertake specific initial and ongoing training
  • Willing to collaborate with parish leadership and other ministers
  • Motivated by a desire to serve


Once per month, arrive at Mass 25 minutes early.

Why be a welcomer?

First impressions last. The experience of parishioners and visitors is shaped by the welcome they receive when coming to Church. Christ calls us to welcome others just as He welcomes us. By greeting others as they arrive at Mass, welcomers have a key role in making our parish a welcoming environment for all.

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Readers proclaim the Word of God and prayers during Mass.

What do you need to be a reader?

  • Comfortable with public speaking
  • Able to operate and use the microphone
  • Willing to prayerfully prepare readings in advance
  • Fully initiated Catholic active in the life of the parish
  • Good-hearted, a forgiven sinner on the way to being a saint
  • Willing to undertake specific initial and ongoing training
  • Willing to collaborate with parish leadership and other ministers
  • Motivated by a desire to serve


Once per month, arrive to Mass 15 mins early, prepare readings in advance.

Why be a reader?

Jesus is the Word of God become flesh. When a reader proclaims the Scriptures, the living Word of God is present among the community of believers. This Word touches our hearts and transforms us so that we might live more and more as Christ’s followers in the world.

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Altar Server

Altar servers assist the priest at Mass.

What do you need to be an altar server?

  • In at least year 5 and have completed first Holy Communion
  • Willing to carry out the duties of altar serving and seek assistance when needed
  • Willing to work with others and offer help
  • Prayerful and reverent
  • Prepared to learn more about Mass and the vessels and vestments
  • Willing to participate in training, formation and social activities


Twice per month, arrive at Mass 15 minutes early.

Attend altar server formation and social activities four times a year.

Why be an altar server?

Altar servers contribute to the whole community’s participation in the fruitful worship of God through high standards of service during Mass. Altar servers are called to intimately understand the Church’s liturgy and undertake their role with prayerfulness and reverence. Through their service, and relationships with each other and the parish, altar servers are called to respond to their unique vocation.

Get involved Information for altar servers Back to Strengths and Talents

Sacred Music

Musicians raise minds and hearts to God through silence and song.

What do you need to be involved in sacred music?

  • Gifted in music or singing
  • Willing to commit to rehearsals
  • A love for liturgy and willing to work within the Church’s liturgical guidelines
  • Active in the life of the parish
  • Good-hearted, a forgiven sinner on the way to being a saint
  • Willing to undertake specific initial and ongoing training
  • Willing to collaborate with parish leadership and other ministers
  • Motivated by a desire to serve


Weekly rehearsals.

Arrive to Mass 30 mins early on rostered days.

Why be involved in sacred music?

Members of the Sacred Music Ministry discern a call from God to use their gifts in service of the Church’s Liturgy so all Christ’s Faithful may raise their hearts and minds to the All-Holy God in silence and song. With hearts full of joy, they enhance the sacredness of liturgical prayer through a commitment to beauty and excellence in voice and instrument which is in service of the fully conscious and active participation of Christ’s Faithful.

Get involved Information for musicians Back to Strengths and Talents

Hospitality Team

The Hospitality Team extends fellowship through social events outside Mass times.

What do you need to be on the hospitality team?

  • Friendly
  • Happy to help serve coffee/tea or chat with anyone
  • Active in the life of the parish
  • Good-hearted, a forgiven sinner on the way to being a saint
  • Willing to undertake specific initial and ongoing training
  • Willing to collaborate with parish leadership and other ministers
  • Motivated by a desire to serve


10:00am Mass: once per month, arrive at Mass 25 minutes early and stay after as long as needed.

Other times: ad hoc as requested.

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Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion at Mass

Communion ministers faithfully share the Body and Blood of Christ with fellow members of the congregation.

What do you need to be a Communion minister?

  • Believe in the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist
  • Fully initiated Catholic active in the life of the parish
  • Good-hearted, a forgiven sinner on the way to being a saint
  • Willing to undertake specific initial and ongoing training
  • Willing to collaborate with parish leadership and other ministers
  • Motivated by a desire to serve


Once per month, arrive at Mass 15 minutes early.

Why be an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion?

The Eucharist is the privileged way of experiencing the presence of Jesus Christ and sharing in his work of redeeming the world. Fed by the Body and Blood of Christ we, though many, are made one in the Lord. Eucharist allows us to participate more deeply in the Paschal Mystery, the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, inviting us to conform our lives to Christ’s.

Get involved Information for Communion ministers Back to Strengths and Talents

Screen Operator

The screen operator displays words to the congregation at the correct times during Mass.

What do you need to be a screen operator?

  • Computer literate
  • Active in the life of the parish
  • Good-hearted, a forgiven sinner on the way to being a saint
  • Willing to undertake specific initial and ongoing training
  • Willing to collaborate with parish leadership and other ministers
  • Motivated by a desire to serve


Once per month, arrive at Mass 30 minutes early.

Why be a screen operator?

The Church calls us to “Full, Conscious and Active Participation” in the Mass. Modern technology has made this easier. The Screen Operator facilitates full, conscious and active participation by displaying words to hymns, responses and other spoken parts of the Mass at the correct times.

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Sound Engineer

The sound engineer assists musicians, readers and priests by optimising sound before and during liturgy.

What do you need to be a sound engineer?

  • Confident with an iPad and willing to learn all aspects of the sound system at St Mary’s Church
  • Good hearing
  • Active in the life of the parish
  • Good-hearted, a forgiven sinner on the way to being a saint
  • Willing to undertake specific initial and ongoing training
  • Willing to collaborate with parish leadership and other ministers
  • Motivated by a desire to serve


Once per month, arrive at Mass 30 minutes early.

Why be a sound engineer

The Church calls us to “Full, Conscious and Active Participation” in the Mass. Modern technology has made this easier. The sound engineer facilitates full, conscious and active participation by working with musicians, readers and priests to ensure music and spoken aspects of the liturgy are at the appropriate volume for the congregation.

Get involved Information for tech team Back to Strengths and Talents


The photographer captures images of our parish for use in print and online publications.

What do you need to be a photographer?

  • Own camera
  • Willing to give the parish unrestricted use of images
  • Discernment in when to take, keep and/or delete images
  • Active in the life of the parish
  • Good-hearted, a forgiven sinner on the way to being a saint
  • Willing to undertake specific initial and ongoing training
  • Willing to collaborate with parish leadership and other ministers
  • Motivated by a desire to serve


Ad hoc basis, as needed.

Why be a photographer?

Photography allows the parish to keep memories of parish events and people for future generations. 

Get involved Information for tech team Back to Strengths and Talents


Cleaners ensure God’s house is a worthy place to worship.

What do you need to be a cleaner?

  • Able to use cleaning equipment and products
  • Active in the life of the parish
  • Good-hearted, a forgiven sinner on the way to being a saint
  • Willing to undertake specific initial and ongoing training
  • Willing to collaborate with parish leadership and other ministers
  • Motivated by a desire to serve


Two hours, once per month.

Why be a cleaner?

Do you appreciate the sparkle of a clean house? Have you ever used a broom or dust rag or vacuum cleaner? Cleaners care for our church family, ensure a welcoming church environment and show love and respect for God by cleaning God’s house.

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Extraordinary Minister of Communion of the Sick and Housebound

The Extraordinary Minister of Communion of the Sick and Housebound brings the Body of Christ in the form of Eucharist and in their own person.

What do you need to be a Communion minister?

  • Compassionate for the sick and infirm
  • Able to adapt to the individual’s circumstances and specific needs
  • Fully initiated Catholic active in the life of the parish
  • Good-hearted, a forgiven sinner on the way to being a saint
  • Willing to undertake specific initial and ongoing training
  • Willing to collaborate with parish leadership and other ministers
  • Motivated by a desire to serve


1-2 hours per week.

Why be an Extraordinary Minister of Communion of the Sick and Housebound?

From the earliest days of the Church, Holy Communion has been taken to those members that can’t be present at communal celebrations due to sickness or other incapacity. When the sick receive Holy Communion, they are united sacramentally to the Lord and are reunited with the Eucharistic community from which illness or other incapacity has separated them. Reception of Communion is a not only a privilege, but a sign of support and concern shown by the Christian community for its members who are ill.

Get involved Information for Communion ministers Back to Strengths and Talents

More information coming soon!


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Get involved!

Express your interest here

Information for those in ministry

My Ministry

I will go up to the altar of God. (Ps 43:4)

Helpful documents

Altar servers guidelines

I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats of this bread will live forever; and the bread that I will give for the life of the world is my flesh. (Jn 6:51)

For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. (1 Cor 12:12)

A prayer for Communion ministers at Mass

A prayer for Communion ministers of the sick and housebound

Helpful documents

Communion Ministers at Mass Procedures

Communion Ministers of the Sick and Housebound Guidelines (currently under review)

So, then, whenever we have an opportunity, let us work for the good of all, and especially for those of the family of faith. (Gal 6:10)

A prayer for sacristans

Helpful documents

A Guide for Sacristans

Sacristans Checklist and Procedures

St Joseph’s Heaters

Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly;… and with gratitude in your hearts sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs to God. (Col 3:16)

A prayer for readers

Helpful documents

Reader procedures

O come, let us sing to the Lord; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation! (Ps 95:1)

Helpful documents

Sacred Music Ministry Vision Document

Cues for Mass with and without incense

Let each of you look not to your interests, but to the interests of others. (Phil 2:4)

A prayer for screen operators

Helpful documents

Screen procedures – Song of Songs

Guide to St Mary’s Technology

Welcome one another, therefore, just as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God. (Rom 15:7)

A prayer for welcomers

Helpful documents

Welcomer Procedures

Parish of St Mary & St Joseph, Orange

Parish of the Sacred Heart & St Lawrence O’Toole, Molong

84 Hill St, Orange NSW 2800
(02) 6362 2378