Parish Priests
Parish Staff: Mission Team
Ms Amy Sullivan
Director of Ministries
Ministries, Becoming Catholic, Adult Faith Formation
Ms Melissa Ryan
Sacramental Coordinator
Sacraments including Baptisms, First Reconciliation, First Holy Communion, and Confirmation
Sr Frances McAleer rsj
Resident in Molong
Ms Naomi Wright
Youth Minister
Youth Minister at James Sheahan Catholic High School
Parish Staff: Mission Support Team
Mr David Cuming
Administration Manager
Ms Lisa McDonald
Parish Secretary
Ms Sonia Uranie Moutia
Contact the Parish Office
84 Hill Street
Orange NSW 2800
Monday: 11:30am to 4:30pm
Tuesday to Friday: 8:30am to 4:30pm
(02) 6362 2378
Parish of St Mary and St Joseph
P.O. Box 44
Orange NSW 2800
Leadership Teams
What is the Parish Leadership Team?
The Parish Leadership Team (PLT) assists the Pastor in daily decision making through open and honest discussion of current activities and priorities within the context of the Parish Vision and Strategy. The PLT meets weekly for prayer and discussion, and twice yearly for a whole day of review and planning.
Members of the Parish Leadership Team
Fr Greg Bellamy (Pastor)
Fr Duong Van Ha (Assistant Priest)
Amy Sullivan (Director of Ministries)
Melissa Ryan (Sacramental Coordinator)
David Cuming (Administration Manager)
What is the Orange Parish Pastoral Strategy Team?
Within the vision of the parish, the purpose of the Orange Parish Pastoral Strategy Team is to discern the will of the Holy Spirit for the Parish of St Mary and St Joseph, Orange; to promote and support the evangelising mission of the Parish; and to foster the spiritual and pastoral life of all the Christian faithful. Through prayer, reflection and careful consideration, the Team recommends a Pastoral Plan to the Pastor, outlining strategic priorities for the parish. The Pastoral Plan is developed by studying the pastoral realities of the Parish and wider community, in particular by analysing strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, and attending to the mandate of the Gospel. The Team also assesses performance against the pastoral priorities and revises recommendations as required.
Members of the Parish Pastoral Strategy Team
Fr Greg Bellamy
Fr Duong Van Ha
Moira Hannelly
Lynda Kerr
Natalia Knezevic
Peter Meers
Amy Sullivan
What is the Molong Parish Pastoral Council?
The Molong Parish Pastoral Council advises the Pastor in the area of pastoral care and planning and helps further communication between parishioners and the pastor in the communities of Molong Parish.
What is a Parish Finance Council?
The Parish Finance Council (PFC) is an advisory body that helps the Pastor in the administration of the temporal goods of the parish. The PFC is the principal means by which parishioners provide prudent advice to the Pastor regarding good stewardship of parish assets and finances. The PFC supports the vision and mission of the parish and helps build up the Catholic community.
Members of the Orange Parish Finance CouncilChris Dwyer (chair) Bill Kelly Pat McDonald Deirdre May Frances Young Minutes secretary: David Cuming |
Members of the Molong Parish Finance CouncilAlex Christie Phil Cavanagh Patrick Clowry Fr Augustine Mathew Minutes Secretary: David Cuming |
What is the Parish Schools Team?
The Parish Schools Team (PST) is comprised of the Pastor, School Principals, Religious Education Coordinators, and the Sacramental Coordinator. Five parochial schools operate in Orange, Molong, and Manildra. The PST meets every school term (four times annually) with the aim of strengthening the relationship between the parishes and schools, and to help realise the parish vision across all these communities.
Members of the Parish Schools Team
Fr Greg Bellamy (Pastor)
Peter Meers (Principal, James Sheahan Catholic High School)
Gayle Stratton (Principal, St Mary’s Catholic Primary School)
Jo Flynn (Principal, Catherine McAuley Catholic Primary School)
Matthew French (Principal, St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School Molong)
Jacky Parmeter (Principal, St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School Manildra)
Belinda Lee (Religious Education Coordinator Mission, James Sheahan Catholic High School)
Joshua Meyers (Religious Education Coordinator, St Mary’s Catholic Primary School)
Shannon Cain (Religious Education Coordinator, Catherine McAuley Catholic Primary School)
Melissa Ryan (Sacramental Coordinator)
Parish of St Mary & St Joseph, Orange
Parish of the Sacred Heart & St Lawrence O’Toole, Molong
84 Hill St, Orange NSW 2800
(02) 6362 2378