Preparation is the key to a prayerful celebration. Just as a meal is not possible without someone to prepare it, liturgical celebrations are not possible without people working quietly behind the scenes to ensure everything is in place. Sacristans prepare the entire community to express our thanks, to offer our sacrifice, to affirm our unity, and to be sent into the world as the Body of Christ.
Who are you?
Sacristan is a behind-the-scenes organisation and leadership role. Sacristans prepare the sacred vessels, linens, books and vestments needed for the liturgy.

Responsible for opening and closing churches, answering questions and problem-solving any issues that arise during liturgy

Happy to work behind the scenes to ensure everything is set up for various liturgies.

Willing to commit to a roster (once a month at Mass times) and meet time, training and dress requirements

Members of the Sacred Music Ministry discern a call from God to use their gifts in service of the Church’s Liturgy so all Christ’s Faithful may raise their hearts and minds to the All-Holy God in silence and song. With hearts full of joy, they enhance the sacredness of liturgical prayer through a commitment to beauty and excellence in voice and instrument which is in service of the fully conscious and active participation of Christ’s Faithful.
Who are you?
We invite anyone with musical talent, regardless of your level of formal training, to join this ministry. We welcome cantors (soloists), choir members, accompanists (keyboard), and all musicians.

Singing or instrumental ability and willing to learn parish repertoire

Willing to work as part of a team to produce excellent music

Able to lead the congregation; cantors and accompanists must also be able to lead fellow music ministers

Willing to commit to a roster (once a month at Mass times for cantors and accompanists) and meet rehearsal, time and dress requirements

Readers proclaim the Word of God and prayers during Mass.
Jesus is the Word of God become flesh. When a reader proclaims the Scriptures, the living Word of God is present among the community of believers. This Word touches our hearts and transforms us so that we might live more and more as Christ’s followers in the world.
Who are you?
If you have a clear voice, are comfortable with public speaking and have a love of the bible, this role may be for you.

Public Speaking
Able to clearly proclaim the readings using a microphone

Willing to prayerfully prepare readings in advance

Team Member
Willing to work as part of a team, including other readers, music ministers, sacristans and priests

Willing to commit to a roster (once per month at Mass times) and meet time, training and dress requirements

The Eucharist is the privileged way of experiencing the presence of Jesus Christ and sharing in his work of redeeming the world. Fed by the Body and Blood of Christ we, though many, are made one in the Lord. Eucharist allows us to participate more deeply in the Paschal Mystery, the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, inviting us to conform our lives to Christ’s.
Who are you?
Communion ministers faithfully share the Body of Christ with fellow members of the congregation.

Believe in the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist

Willing to prayerfully prepare for this ministry in advance

Willing to commit to a roster (once a month at Mass times) and meet time, training and dress requirements
Parish of St Mary & St Joseph, Orange
Parish of the Sacred Heart & St Lawrence O’Toole, Molong
84 Hill St, Orange NSW 2800
(02) 6362 2378