Altar servers assist the priest at Mass.
Altar servers contribute to the whole community’s participation in the fruitful worship of God through high standards of service during Mass. Altar servers are called to intimately understand the Church’s liturgy and undertake their role with prayerfulness and reverence. Through their service, and relationships with each other and the parish, altar servers are called to respond to their unique vocation.
Who are you?
Are you in at least year 5 and have completed first Holy Communion? Do you want to know the liturgy more intimately? Altar Serving is for you.

Team Member
Willing to work as part of a team to carry out the duties of altar serving and seek assistance when needed

Prayerful and reverent; prepared to learn more about Mass and the vessels and vestments

Willing to commit to a roster (once a fortnight at Mass times) and meet time, training and dress requirements

The youth of our parish are not the future of our parish – they are part of our parish now. We want our youth to experience faith-based friendship through Church.
Who are you?
If you have the passion and energy to work with young people to encounter Jesus, youth ministry is for you.

Willing to lead and empower youth, and work with parish leadership

Team Member
Willing to work as part of a team with other youth ministers

Passionate and infectious energy when interacting with youth

Willing to commit to a roster and meet time, training and dress requirements

The Catholic Diocese of Bathurst provides a ministry to students in public schools through groups of volunteer Special Religious Education (SRE) catechists in each parish. Volunteer SRE catechists carry the message to the students in public schools that God is love and Jesus came to bring the Good News.
Who are you?
If you have the passion and energy to work with young people to encounter Jesus, SRE is for you.
Parish of St Mary & St Joseph, Orange
Parish of the Sacred Heart & St Lawrence O’Toole, Molong
84 Hill St, Orange NSW 2800
(02) 6362 2378