On the second Sunday of September, the Catholic Church in Australia observes Safeguarding Sunday, a day dedicated to acknowledging the profound harm caused by the sexual abuse of children and adults at risk within Catholic contexts. This year that falls on 8th September. Formerly known as Child Protection Sunday, this important day marks the conclusion of National Child Protection Week and underscores the Church’s unwavering commitment to fostering safe environments for all people.
Safeguarding Sunday is a time for the Church to reflect on the immense damage inflicted by abuse, whether perpetrated by priests, religious, or lay people. It is also a time for the community to come together in prayer, offering support and healing for those who have been directly or indirectly harmed by such atrocities.
In recognizing Safeguarding Sunday, the Catholic Diocese of Bathurst joins the broader Australian Church in reaffirming its dedication to practices and protocols that prioritise the safety and well-being of every individual.
For those seeking further information on the Church’s response to child sexual abuse, additional resources are available on the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference website https://www.catholic.au/s/. This page includes details on reporting allegations, the National Catholic Safeguarding Standards, and the various national organisations responsible for safeguarding and child protection.
The Bathurst Diocese has further information here: https://bathurst.catholic.org.au/safe-church-awareness/
As we observe Safeguarding Sunday 2024, let us all recommit ourselves to creating a Church that is a safe and nurturing environment for everyone, especially the most vulnerable among us. Let us pray for the healing of those who have been harmed and for the strength to continue building a future where such tragedies are never repeated.