Welcome to the Season of Creation. The Season of Creation is a time marked throughout the Christian world from 1st September (the World Day of Prayer for Creation which is today) to 4th October (Feast of St. Francis of Assisi) and celebrates the joy of creation as well as encouraging awareness-raising initiatives to help us to heal and protect Our Common Home. This year’s theme is:
First fruits of hope (Rom 8:23-25), Creation is groaning (Romans 8:22).
This biblical image reminds us that we do not treat the Earth as a gift from our Creator, but rather as a resource to be used. And yet, there is hope and the expectation for a better future. Creation and all of us are called to worship the Creator, working together for a better future. We will celebrate the Season of Creation through our Sunday liturgies and through three events:
- Thur 12 September, Catholic Earthcare Season of Creation Convocation Day 1 Wonder: A special in-person gathering for Day 1 of the Convocation will happen at the Catholic Chancery Conference Room from 9am – 3.30pm. The keynote address is being delivered from the Parish Centre by Sr Ann-Maree O’Beirne RSM. All welcome. Contact David Nelson or Sally Neaves for more information via the Parish office on 6331 3066.
- Sat 14 September, Catholic Earthcare Season of Creation Convocation Day 3 Heal: A special gathering for this convocation will happen at Blayney Eco Hub (Presbytery) 10am for prayer, a keynote address by Sally Neaves delivered from Blayney, and other activities. All welcome.
For more info, Contact Sally Neaves via the Parish office on 6331 3066.
Register here for the Convocation.