At least once a year, Christians are reminded of Jesus’ prayer for his disciples that “they may be one so that the world may believe” (see John 17.21). Hearts are touched and Christians come together to pray for their unity. The week of prayer is celebrated between Ascension Sunday and Pentecost Sunday, 21-28 May 2023.
For 2023, the theme of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity “Do Good, Seek Justice.”
About this image:
The image is taken from the painting “Invasion” by artist John “Munnari” Hammond A’Hang ©
It was presented to the National Council of Churches in Australia by Aboriginal and Islander participants in the NCCA’s inaugural Forum, Canberra 14 July 1994.
White man came to this country in their ships. With their guns the black man has no answers. They were poisoned, shot, hung and put in chains as punishment.
Then along came religion, Christianity, the Bible was read at campsites by white man and later black and white.
Now we walk side by side burning bridges of the past. The chains of the past are broken and black and white walk on equal ground through this rugged wide land. Their spirit finally free through Christianity.