The International Eucharistic Congress will take place in Quito Ecuador, commencing 8th September through to 15th September 2024.
Eucharistic Congresses are an expression of a particular veneration and love of the Universal Church for the Eucharistic Mystery, source of fraternity and peace. They aim to make known, loved and better served, Our Lord Jesus Christ in his Eucharistic Mystery, the centre of life and the mission to heal the wounds of the world.
The Diocese of Bathurst is offering individuals and groups the opportunity to consider joining the pilgrimage hosted by the Archdiocese of Sydney and Harvest Pilgrimages to the 53rd Eucharistic Congress in Quito, Ecuador.
The flyer for the Harvest Tours Pilgrimage is available here for further details.
For more information or to express interest please email or phone Deacon Josh on 0458 261 513.