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Visiting Clergy and Religious

All clergy (bishops, priests and deacons) and religious (sisters, nuns, monks, brothers and friars) from outside the Diocese who wish to provide a ministry and/or religious service in the Diocese of Bathurst are required to complete this form at least 14 days prior, and hence receive confirmation of clearance before any commencement.

Once reviewed you will receive an email confirming or declining your visit. The parish priest of the place you are visiting, and your church authority will also receive this information.

All records will be securely stored and recorded for future reference and auditing.

Parishes, schools or agencies with visiting clergy or religious must ensure that these procedures are followed and approval must be received before any event occurs.

Celebrating the Sacrament of Marriage in the Diocese of Bathurst

A petition is required if a visiting priests’ ministry in the Diocese is to assist at a wedding. It should be posted as per the address on the petition or emailed to: at least one month prior to the proposed wedding date.

Download the petition as a fillable Word.doc here

Clergy and religious visiting from overseas

This form should be submitted by all clergy and religious visiting from overseas prior to their providing ministry and/or religious services in the Catholic Diocese of Bathurst.

If you are planning on providing religious services in NSW for 30 days in a 12 month period – consecutive or otherwise, a NSW WWCC number will be required. Please see the instructions below on how to obtain this.

Do I require a NSW WWCC number?

You are required by law to have a NSW WWCC number if:

a) You are visiting from interstate and are planning on providing ministry in NSW for 30 days in a 12 month period – consecutive or otherwise

b) You are visiting from overseas and providing ministry for 30 days in a 12 month period – consecutive or otherwise in the Diocese of Bathurst.

How to obtain a NSW WWCC number

You can take the following steps to obtain a NSW WWCC number:

  • Complete the NSW WWCC online application form. Select volunteer as the “purpose of check” and religious services as the “child-related sector”. The details you provide in the form must be an exact match of your proof of identity.
  • Once you receive your application number, go to your nearest Service NSW Centre and present your application number and proof of identity.
  • You will receive your outcome and WWCC number by email.

Don’t have an ACMR number?

If you don’t have an ACMR number, please download and complete the following forms to submit as part of your application.

Completed forms can be emailed to: