James Sheahan Catholic High School (JSCHS) in Orange was the host for the 2024 launch of Caritas’ Project Compassion. Students from JSCHS, St Joseph’s Catholic School, Manildra and St Joseph’s Primary School, Molong came together to support and learn of the great work that Caritas does, through the generosity of schools and parishes to Project Compassion.
After a lovely Welcome to Country and an address from Peter Meers, Principal JSCHS, Ranmal Samarawickrama gave a short address explaining the work of Caritas, especially the long lasting effect of donations to Project Compassion.He said even just one dollar donated has long lasting benefit, as the money changes the life of one person, which in turn changes the lives of families and communities.
Bishop McKenna led a liturgy, with Year 9 students from JSCHS reading the Scripture and offering prayers for our communities as we enter the season of Lent. In his homily, the Bishop impressed on all the need to understand that so many in our world have less than us, and that Lent and Project Compassion give the space and opportunity for us to assist others and ourselves. The time of input and prayer ended with a shared meal of pancakes to finish off a great launch of Project Compassion.
For more information on how to support Project Compassion during Lent, head to the Caritas website and learn about those in need and how you can change lives.