Our Central West NSW communities devasted by recent storms and floods need our help.
In order to provide immediate and long-term support for these communities, particularly the towns of Eugowra and Molong within the Catholic Diocese of Bathurst, Bishop McKenna has established the Bishop’s Flood Appeal to ensure assistance is provided directly to those in need.
People can offer financial support by making donations through Centacare Bathurst, the Diocese’s social services arm, which has already begun working with the leaders in those communities. To donate, go to the Centacare website and click on the Donations button HERE.
As part of the Catholic Diocese of Bathurst’s commitment to assisting families and communities in the region affected by the floods, particularly Eugowra and Molong, an initiative has been established for anyone needing help.
The Diocese is here to provide immediate financial assistance to those in need of help to purchase essential items. This initiative is coordinated by Centacare in partnership with other diocesan agencies such as schools and parishes. If you or anyone you know is in need of assistance please contact Centacare by phone 63318944 or by email floodhelp@centacarebathurst.