St Raphael’s Parish Welcomes Dr Laurie Woods
As part of the continuing education for parishioners within the Parish, the Parish Council was privileged to host a series of lectures on sacred scripture presented by Dr Laurie Woods, a renowned scripture scholar who taught for over 30 years at the Australian Catholic University. Over three days with sessions conducted in the morning and repeated that evening, Dr Laurie helped the group to become more aware of the relevance of sacred scripture. Through the topics of Applying the Spirituality of Luke’s Gospel to Daily Life, Jesus and the Healing Power of Encouragement and The Relevance of the Hebrew Prophets for Today, Dr Laurie not only gave great insights for those present but helped all to deepen their own understanding and love for the Word of God. Some 35 people from, Cowra, Canowindra and Young gave a “thumbs up” at the conclusion of the time spent with Dr Laurie.
Return of Men and Women’s Masses and Breakfast
For a number of years, the Parish has offered the opportunity for men and women of the Parish to come together every two months for Mass, reflection and shared breakfast. Now, fortunately, after a long Covid-enforced break, we have been able to resume this activity. On the first Saturday of the month for the men and the fourth Saturday of the month for women, Mass and reflection are now held in the Brigidine Chapel. This is followed by a shared breakfast in the Mother Scholastica Learning Centre in St Raphael’s School. Attendance to date has been amazing with over 40 men and women from within the parish centres of Canowindra and Cowra coming together to share faith and friendship.

Women’s Reflection Day
On Tuesday 27 September, 25 members of our Parish gathered with Sr Maureen McDermott in the Mother Scholastics Learning Centre on the grounds of St Raphael’s School for a day of reflection and input on St Mary MacKillop and her influence on the lives of women today. With thought-provoking input from Sr Maureen and much discussion, an enjoyable day was had by all.
Bishop Michael joined with parishioners of St Raphael’s, Cowra and St Edward’s, Canowindra for the Rite of Confirmation in July this year. Some 10 young people from St Raphael’s and four from St Edward’s proclaimed before Bishop Michael and the congregation their wish to be Confirmed in the celebration of the Eucharist, which was for all a very uplifting liturgy. Fr Laurie thanked the Bishop for his presence and for all involved in the preparation of the newly confirmed.

Parish Recognition of Volunteers
As part of a Parish Council initiative, St Raphael’s held a dinner to recognise the work of many of our volunteers who give their time and energy in the various liturgical celebrations that take place within the Parish. Parishioners from, Eugowra, Canowindra and Cowra, came together to be thanked and acknowledged. Those who are involved in the ministries of Choir, Sacristans, and Computer Operators were hosted by the Parish Council. The evening was a great success, and the comments made as people were leaving were, “When is the next one?”.