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This week is Laudato Si’ Week 2024 and the theme is “Let us be seeds of hope in our lives and in our world, rooted in faith and love.”

In his Encyclical Laudato Si’ Pope Francis reminds us, “Nature cannot be considered something separate from ourselves. We are part of nature, included in it and thus in constant interaction with it” (#139). This year we are proud to celebrate the establishment of our very own home of Laudato Si’ in the Diocese of Bathurst, the Blayney Eco Hub, in the presbytery of St James parish, Blayney, which helps us live in to this awareness. Through ecological education, spirituality and advocacy, this centre, inspired by the former Rahamim Ecology Centre in Bathurst, is a place for us all to remember how much we love creation and to get involved in taking responsibility for our common home, living within Earth’s limits. Pope Francis writes about the importance of such centres in Laudato Si’.

Learn more about Laudato Si’ week here

Sally Neaves
Bathurst Diocese Interim Laudato Si’ Committee


If you would like us to share any of your stories about Laudato Si’ Week in your area send them to Deacon Josh Clayton at