Painting Weekend Working Bee
A free weekend of great food and lodging at Shalom in exchange for lending a hand at our painting working bee. Book here.
WHEN: January 12 – 14
COST: Free
WHERE: Shalom House of Prayer, 7 Collins Street, Carcoar
‘Gone Fishin’ Men’s Weekend
This weekend is for blokes only …… to get away and take some MEN time to reflect on the values in your life and who you aspire to be. Book here.
WHEN: March 15 – 17
COST: $300
WHERE: Shalom House of Prayer, 7 Collins Street, Carcoar
Art and Prayer Retreat
This weekend retreat will give you a path to feel and see your world. Your prayers will become your art, your art will connect you deeper to yourself, others and God. Book here.
WHEN: April 12 – 14
COST: $320
WHERE: Shalom House of Prayer, 7 Collins Street, Carcoar