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On Saturday, 23rd November 2024, from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM, parishioners and leaders from all parishes across the Catholic Diocese of Bathurst are invited to a day of formation and renewal at Kenna Hall and St Joseph’s Church, 84 Hill St, Orange NSW.

Jointly hosted by the Diocese, Orange Parish, Divine Renovation, and Alpha, the “Made for Mission” day is designed to equip parishes with practical tools and insights to strengthen evangelisation efforts. With inspiring keynote speakers, engaging discussions, and moments of prayer, we will explore ways to bring Jesus’ message into our communities and inspire others to encounter His love. Featured speakers include Tania Rimac from Alpha and Tomasz Juszczak, from Divine Renovation.

What do you love about your parish or church? What do you wish others knew about the joy of being part of your community? This day will help you learn how to share that message with others and bring them into a deeper encounter with Christ.

As Pope Francis has said, “Evangelisation is the Church’s mission, not just of a few but my, your, our mission” (Pope Francis, 22 May 2013). This gathering is a unique opportunity to reflect on our shared call to mission and to discover how we can help reinvigorate our parishes to be places of encounter, welcome, and transformation.

More information and registration are available here. Prepare to be inspired and equipped for the mission that lies ahead.

Don’t miss this opportunity to gather with fellow parish leaders to renew our parishes and our own sense of Mission!