It may not surprise many people to know that a Pilgrimage requires times of prayer, time with others, and silence but also times of walking. As a start to our preparations for the Diocesan World Youth Day Pilgrimage to Lisbon, Portugal in 2023, pilgrims took time out of their daily lives to walk from the Cathedral of St Michael and St John to the Diocesan Shrine Church of the Immaculate Conception in Carcoar. The planned route included stops at St Joseph’s Perthville and the village of Newbridge.
This Pilgrimage did indeed involve times of prayer, time with others, and silence but also times of walking. A highlight of the experience was being able to share experiences and talk about why individuals had chosen to be part of the Pilgrimage. Over the course of the weekend, the pilgrims walked around 35 km in total – while not the same length as what you may experience in walking the Camino de Santiago Pilgrimage in Europe, it was a good introduction to the importance of walking and being ready for the challenges of a Pilgrimage. Please keep our World Youth Day Pilgrims in your thoughts and prayers. If you are more know a young person who would like to join us, encourage them to contact Jacinta on 0418 631 684. It’s not too late to join.
Deacon Josh Clayton