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“All of us need to have a sense of what God wants us to do with our talents, in our lives”

The Diocese would like to invite our young men and women (18 to 35) years) in our parishes, administration centres and schools to join us in discussing our Catholic vocations over a shared meal, as part of this year’s Vocations Awareness Week. Topics include the four vocations: the single life, the married life, the religious life and the priesthood and what these pathways might look like for young people in today’s world. This is an opportunity to meet with peers, develop a deeper understanding of your place in your parish or school and engage in a leadership mindset. Please pass this invitation on to a young person who you think may be interested and available to attend.

or call Carmen on (02) 6334 6407

Saturday 13 August 2022
5pm Vigil Mass, St Brigid’s Dubbo
6 to 8pm Dubbo Presbytery, 198 Brisbane St, Dubbo

Tuesday 30 August
6 to 8.15pm St Joseph’s Presbytery, 84 Hill St, Orange

Thursday 1 September 2022
6.30 to 8pm Mathew Quinn House, Bentinck Street, Bathurst