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Parishioners from across the Diocese have a unique opportunity to make a meaningful impact by volunteering at the RISE Youth event this year as a volunteer or home stay host.

RISE is more than just a gathering; it’s a vibrant celebration of faith, community, and spiritual growth for young people. By volunteering, parishioners can directly contribute to nurturing the next generation of Catholic leaders, fostering an environment where young people can deepen their relationship with God and each other.

Volunteering at RISE allows parishioners to embody the Christian call to service and witness. It is a chance to live out the Gospel values of love, compassion, and stewardship. Engaging with the youth can provide fresh perspectives and a renewed sense of purpose, invigorating one’s own faith journey. 

The presence of dedicated volunteers ensures a safe, welcoming, and organised event, enhancing the overall experience for all attendees. Moreover, volunteering at RISE builds a stronger Diocesan community. It bridges the gap between different age groups within the church, creating intergenerational bonds and a cohesive support system, now and into the future. The sense of fulfilment and joy that comes from serving others in a meaningful capacity is unparalleled, making it a rewarding experience that aligns with the core teachings of the Catholic faith.

Join us in supporting the RISE Youth Festival! We need volunteers to help make this event a success. Register today and contribute to nurturing the faith and community spirit of our young people. Sign up at the parish office or online using THIS FORM. Your involvement makes a difference! The festival will be held in Bathurst at Bathurst Goldfields, Cathedral Primary School and the Cathedral.

And you might just have some fun along the way.

Further information is available on the registration form or contact Deacon Josh E:  M: 0458 261 513  or Jacinta E:  P: 6334 6426.