The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity in Australia will be observed in the week between Ascension and Pentecost. The theme for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity in 2024 was chosen by a working group from Burkina Faso.
The theme for this year is “You shall love the Lord your God …and your neighbour as yourself…” (Luke 10:27).
Who is Spirit
Who is Christ,
You call us into community.
A community for the common good,
a community of oneness in our diversity.
People from every nation, tribe, culture, and language.
Unite us as we seek to live out your love.
You call us from the comfort of our familiar circles
and call us to be loving neighbours.
to go where our neighbour is,
to help them in their need
and let them help us in ours.
We are your family
a part of your kin-dom of humankind,
each a beloved sibling to share in grace.
Bless us with your wisdom,
That we may walk and work together.
United we pray. Amen
(Source: adapted from a prayer by Rev Jon Humphries)
Further information and resources: National Council of Churches in Australia here.