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Bishop Michael McKenna recently hosted a visit of members of the Executive Committee of the NSW Ecumenical Council. Reverend Myung Hwa Park, President and Reverend Fr Dr Shenouda Mansour, General Secretary met with the Bishop at Matthew Quinn House. Mrs Anna Clayton (Chair of our Diocesan Fratelli Tutti group, charged with working with other traditions, Christian unity and relations with the Jewish People) and Deacon Josh Clayton, (Director of Mission and Renewal in the Diocese) also attended.

Over a shared meal and times of prayer, those gathered shared their hopes and dreams for the future, and especially the desire for future gatherings and opportunities to work together to build the Kingdom of God.

A common theme was the wonderful teaching of many in this sphere, especially works such as Ut Unum Sint, and the impetus St John Paul II gave, in the first chapter of his letter, to all working in the field of Church Unity; Christ calls all his disciples to unity.

Unity of the Churches happens daily in our communities, whether it is in the combined work to bring Scripture to state schools, shared training in the Safe Church Awareness Program or friendships across churches and religious leaders in communities, meeting and debriefing.

It happens in many ways, we just need to continue to let this grow. We are the agents of Unity across all our churches and this is a source of great hope.

Rev Myung Hwa Park, Bishop Michael McKenna, Mrs Anna Clayton and Father Shenounda Mansour